Would you like to take advantage of private healthcare?

– medical services
– general outpatient and inpatient care
– screening tests

Are you worried about the price of vitamins and medicines?

– medicines
– medical products, glasses
– medical aids

Are you worried about the price of vitamins and medicines?

– medicines
– medical products, glasses
– medical aids

Maintaining your health is important to you?

– medical aids
– Medical gymnastics, medical massage, physiotherapy treatments

Do you have a mortgage or are you about to establish a family?

– birth support for those planning a baby
– housing mortgage repayment support
– GYED, GYET, GYES support

Do you have a mortgage or are you about to establish a family?

– birth support for those planning a baby
– housing mortgage repayment support
– GYED, GYET, GYES support

With the help of OTP Health Fund’s health fund and self-help services, you can significantly reduce your health expenses.

In addition, you can get back up to HUF 150,000 from your paid personal income tax by using your OTP Health Fund’s account.

The services provided by the health fund go beyond the purchase of medicines and medical care. It provides lifelong support in all life situations.

Through its self-help services, it covers almost all areas of undertaking children, buying an apartment, schooling situations, and in addition, CSED, GYET, GYED, GYES, job search, and care for the elderly can be provided. And the list could be endless.

Did you know your money is not worth the same at every bank?

The credit assessments of each bank are completely different, so it’s worth contacting an expert to get the most out of your money!

I know the offers of all the banks in detail, I thoroughly prepare the mortgage package whilst presenting the three most favorable offers for you, from which you can choose the most suitable one. I land a hand and stand by you throughout the entire mortgage administration process.

If you choose me, you can benefit from extra discounts and possible lowered individual interest rates, and I provide you with a faster, quality-orientated service.

My service is 100% free for you from the very beginning until the disbursement. (I receive commission from the banks after successful loan disbursement.

Request a free mortgage administration now by clicking the button below: