Insurance is an increasingly important part of our lives these days. In our fast-paced world, we are facing more and more dangers and challenges every day and unfortunately sooner or later, even with the greatest care, inconvenience will befall us. These inconveniences and unexpected events can be eliminated with the appropriate insurance.
Why is it beneficial to hire a broker?
• Because as a broker, I really represent your interests and not an insurance company’s.
• Because as a broker, I have a much more comprehensive range of products than individual insurance companies.
• Because my most important task is to assess your financial needs and choose from many solutions the one that best suits your life situation.
Just think about it!
If you talk to an insurance consultant, he can only recommend the few forms of savings, insurance, and investment options that his own company offers. Not necessarily out of ignorance, but because he is only associated with one company and knows no other. Maybe there is a construction that suits you best, but maybe there isn’t. If you entrust me, I will carefully look around the market and select offers from many insurers that you will be satisfied with, but of course the final decision is yours! And the best part is that it doesn’t cost you a single forint, my service is free for customers.

Risk life insurance

Pension insurance

Health insurance